An A to Z GIS Handbook
Studio Spasial – Have you read or using this book? Usually books about GIS are quite technical, surveying the applications and computer potentials of geographic information systems (GIS). So it's refreshing to note that A TO Z GIS : AN ILLUSTRATED DICTIONARY OF GEOGEPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS is something different, a simple set of geography and cartography definitions designed to defines values, coordinates, reference systems, representations, and GIS data processing methods and routines. Students of GIS will find this essential to understanding the terminology of both computer and geography worlds.
I found this book useful while studying for exams and oral examinations during my Masters program. The things to remember is this is a ESRI book and uses their terminology. If you are a student I would recommend this book to use a reference. The book isn't going to teach you GIS, it is meant to be used as a reference. So I would still buy the required books for your class. More review on amazon.